Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

Streetsmart software is super easy to use…It’s easy to download data and upload the info; it gives us good information and lets us know if we need to be able to sit at that location at a certain time.

We have over 2 years of data collected by our TC-600 and, despite the complaints we get, the overwhelming majority of drivers do not speed. The data we’ve collected disproves the common beliefs about speeding in our area.

Some 60,000 people move through the Georgia Tech jurisdiction each day. We chose Radarsign primarily because of the data gathering capabilities of the Streetsmart software. Several other vendors had it available, but required an annual fee. The value of that software functionality over the lifetime of the signs—and not a recurring cost—was a better deal.

Customer service, especially, has been quick and responsive. A lot of vendors make promises during the sales phase, then are hard to reach when you need them. But not Radarsign.

Our enforcement officers love them; they feel they’re really working and have encouraged us to get more signs. Our residents have been overwhelmingly positive—they like the effect they’re seeing when folks slow down.

Our city ordinances require bids from multiple vendors, so I got quotes from 5 when I started looking. Radarsign wasn’t necessarily the lowest priced quote—it was right in the middle of the five—but I recommended it to the city council because I just liked Radarsign’s reputation and data collection capabilities. Now I’ve recommended the Radarsign brand to other municipalities that have noticed the signs and come to ask about them.

The TC-400 is a very useful tool. If someone complains about speeders—especially in neighborhoods—we move the sign to that area and collect the data. Then we call the person who voiced the complaint to come in and we go over the data with them. They’re usually surprised to see that the problem isn’t as bad as they thought. In some neighborhoods where it’s already been, the residents are now asking for it to come back.

These signs definitely get people’s attention…When we started researching radar speed signs, I contacted some of our sister campuses. There are 16 campuses in the UNC system, and many of them were using Radarsign. So we chose Radarsign as well. The signs work well and we’re now long-time customers.

They just work. We don’t have to do anything with them. We don’t have to worry about them. When so many things tend to break, we can count on the signs. They have been a real asset to us.

We used our Radarsign driver speed sign without display and recorded an average speed of 50 MPH. After turning on the driver feedback display, speeds averaged 35 MPH. That’s a pretty significant drop.

Everybody is happy with the sign. We haven’t had a speeding complaint since the sign has been up.

Our radar signs have been money well spent. We’ve spent a lot of money on off-duty officers and Florida Highway Patrol officers to curtail speeding and keep our residents safe.

The board likes the information I provide and asked us to publish the results from the Streetsmart software in our newsletter to residents. So it’s turned into a communication tool for us, as well.

When we were looking at different models of radar signs, we were most concerned about durability in the Alaska weather. The six signs have held up throughout the coldest months of the winter.

The Radarsign signs are working. You can tell just by standing near the sign. You can watch the cars react and slow down.

This is the first year that the city can plan to use radar signs on main thoroughfares in the winter because, unlike speed trailers, these will not interfere with snow plows. They will not have to be moved when the streets need to be cleared.

We can use them almost anywhere, even on streets that were previously inaccessible to speed trailers.

The Radarsign speed signs are working great and are helping slow cars down on our busy job site.

We really liked the portability aspect of the Radarsign products. We looked at 4 or 5 manufacturers, then chose Radarsign primarily because of its portability. We can put those signs all over town. From deployment, we’ve seen them change the behavior…It has helped us tremendously.

And our TC-400 is so easy to use! I also drive a school bus. I’ve found that I can sit on my bus when I’m stopped near the signs, download the data and take it to the office.

We looked at 4-5 manufacturers during our process; we chose Radarsign because of the size of the sign, the battery life, portability and ease of installation, and the data we could pull. We really like that we can run them in stealth mode or full operation, and use that feature a lot.