Traffic Calming for HOAs, Neighborhoods and Residential Areas

Radarsign presents best practices whitepaper with radar speed signs as the solution of choice for communities across the U.S.

ALPHARETTA, Ga., May 14, 2014—Speeding in residential areas—the most common citizen complaint faced by local police and city councils—creates a danger to pedestrians, bicyclists and especially to children. With municipal and local law enforcement budgets stretched thin, the trend for America’s Homeowner Associations (HOAs) to assume responsibility for neighborhood traffic-calming solutions continues to gain momentum. Radarsign™, the manufacturer of the world’s first armored driver feedback sign, has been helping HOAs slow speeding drivers for a decade.

The increase in demand from HOAs comes a with a corresponding increased need for educational information about radar speed signs as traffic-calming solutions in neighborhoods and residential communities.  Radarsign  Managing Partner and Co-Founder Charlie Robeson addresses some of the most common questions about radar speed signs for HOAs looking to make their streets safer in a new whitepaper: Traffic Calming in HOAs, Neighborhoods and Residential Areas.

“With over 25 million American homes governed today by HOAs, we understand how valuable these neighborhood volunteers are to their entire community,” said Robeson. “These are not transportation professionals. They are simply concerned citizens working diligently to make their neighborhoods safer. We want to provide them with the information they need to make an informed decision about traffic calming.”  

Working to protect home values and contribute to the overall quality of life in their neighborhoods,  HOAs are discovering that radar speed signs are the best solution for their traffic-calming needs.  Driver feedback signs have grown in popularity over the past 10 years because they are silent, effective, cost-efficient and well-received by drivers and communities alike.

Driver feedback signs from Radarsign are scientifically proven to slow speeding drivers in residential areas, a top “autopilot journey” destination. Autopilot drivers often break the speed limit, brake too late or don’t stop at pedestrian crossings. Strategically placed driver feedback signs can serve as triggers—stimulating drivers to transition from autopilot to an attentive state.