Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

We have 2 TC-600S signs—1 purchased about 5 yrs ago and 1 in 11/2019. Once we got our signs set up, they’ve never quit working. It’s a set it and forget it kind of thing.

We have had radar trailers in the past. Now that technology has shrunk to a pole mounted version, we decided to get the TC-400. It is much easier to use.

We initially purchased two signs for a test run and they worked well. So, we purchased four more. We use them in all types of locations from school zones, to business districts to highways to neighborhoods.

We received compliments from citizens about the signs. They love them and want them in front of their homes.

I’ve seen your products and what they can do. Everything has worked exceptionally well. I fully intend to order more from Radarsign in the future.

The Radarsign speed signs help the police department because drivers can now police themselves.

We have only one patrol officer. People complain about speeders but we can’t keep an officer everywhere. This is like our second police officer.

Having the data the radar speed signs provide definitely helps. All our towns have state highways coming through town, so we know already there’s bound to be a problem. When the towns have actual data, they can call the state in to do a traffic study that can lead to changes.

The data gathered showed that people were exceeding posted limits near the schools so they passed that on to their law enforcement agents. To me, that’s a huge success. We want kids to feel safe to walk, ride or roll to school, and to make our neighborhoods accessible for all walks of life. These signs give drivers a great awareness of their speed, so they help us do that.

What sold me was Radarsign’s videos. I liked what I saw and liked the price. Honestly, I got lucky to find Radarsign and it’s worked great for us.

The TC-600 signs definitely work. It doesn’t cure everything—regulars, especially, seem to feel they can speed with impunity—but it does a good job controlling the masses…The signs just work all the time. They’ve been great for us.

We are very pleased with our signs. We use them in school zones and downtown. We pull data on occasion, doing before-and -after analysis. The results show a significant drop in speed. The Radarsign signs require minimal maintenance without any headache. We put them out and let them do their job.

We started with two, then went to four, and now we’re up to 10 radar speed signs in the city. The Radarsign brand signs are easy to maintain …practically maintenance free.

We really liked the portability aspect of the Radarsign products. We looked at 4 or 5 manufacturers, then chose Radarsign primarily because of its portability. We can put those signs all over town. From deployment, we’ve seen them change the behavior…It has helped us tremendously.

And our TC-400 is so easy to use! I also drive a school bus. I’ve found that I can sit on my bus when I’m stopped near the signs, download the data and take it to the office.

Now, our force is very short-handed and everyone’s stretched pretty thin. The biggest benefit is that it helps us with timelines. The data shows us when speeding is the worst and I can say, ‘I need you there from 5 until 6.’ It helps me prioritize where we put our officers.

We compare the data collected by our TC-400 signs to the numbers published in the traffic control handbook put out by the federal government to determine if any roadway is having issues. If yes, we get officers out to observe and enforce; if no, we know it’s not a priority at this time.

Radarsign was chosen because it was the complete package, easy to assemble and the price coincided with our budget. We found Radarsign, weighed the pros and cons of their radar speed signs vs other signs and purchased the Radarsign brand.

We have noticed a huge difference in slowing drivers’ speed on our production plant site. The Radarsign speed sign is really effective!

Up front, I told the mayor, We don’t need it, it’s a waste of money. By the fall, I told him, I do believe it’s made a difference. Once we got it in and got it installed, I changed my mind. I’m glad we have it now. It’s a wonderful tool: it really does slow traffic down.

It gets people’s attention. They slow down. You can sit a few blocks away and watch people hitting their brakes. We have residents ask, Could you put that on our street? And we like to do that.

It’s a good quality sign, heavy duty. The batteries last longer than we expected them to, and they’re easy to charge overnight. All around, it’s got good function and is user friendly.

We selected Radarsign (the first time) because of price and reputation for service. Our second purchase with upgraded remote data access is even better than the first.