Industry Insights

Speeding or Not? How can we tell?

Cars speeding through neighborhoods is, perhaps, the most common issue that residents bring to city officials and law enforcement. It is a natural concern. Speeding in residential areas endangers both lives and property.

“Affordable” Speed Bumps Are Costly

The city of Brookhaven, Georgia, an Atlanta suburb, is riddled with speed bumps. Drivers frequently use the quiet residential streets to bypass congested Atlanta thoroughfares. Residents, fed-up with the heavy cut-through traffic, are seeking additional traffic-calming solutions from the city.

Speed Humps: Delayed and Divisive

Residents in Queens, NY have been waiting four years for a speed hump. The DOT told residents that the hump was close to being installed in 2014 until a resident complained about its proposed location. Decisions about relocation have been hampered “due to driveways and other factors.”

Hocus Pocus Traffic Calming

Could an optical illusion be the solution to all of our speeding traffic woes? Not likely.
India’s Transportation Minister just announced that they are going to try using 3D paintings as speed breakers in an attempt to slow drivers on some of the nation’s thoroughfares.

FHWA Study Supports Use of Radar Speed Signs with Road Curves

Aurora, Colorado residents are concerned that cars speeding around the sharp curve in their neighborhood are soon going kill an innocent bystander. Within a two-month period, two cars have slammed into two different homes when the drivers lost control of their speeding vehicle. Driver feedback signs could be the answer this community needs.

Traffic Calming for the People and by the People

Traffic calming solutions are often either loved or hated by local communities becausepapers and table RS they impact the many aspects of people’s lives as they go to and fro throughout the day. So when traffic calming does not work—or it interferes with how drivers make their commutes—taxpayers will strongly voice their complaints.

School Zone Traffic Calming News

According to Ron Lattanze, a parent and member of the Traffic Committee at The Raleigh School in Raleigh, N.C., Radarsign driver feedback signs have been a great fix. “During pick-up and drop-off times, 20% of the cars were speeding with some going as fast as 35 mph. After installing Radarsign’s driver feedback sign, only 8.5% are speeding, a 57% reduction!” says Ron Lattanze, Parent/Traffic Committee, The Raleigh School, Raleigh, N.C.